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SoftLayer® Technologies - IBM “SoftLayer” has the meaning set forth in the recitals. The parties’ relationship is that of independent contractors and not business partners. Neither of the parties is the agent for the other, and neither party has the right to bind the other on any agreement with a Third Party. 19.10 No Waiver. Catalyst Partners - IBM SoftLayer partners with technology incubators to provide support, resources and mentoring for startups. If you're already a member of one of these organizations, you qualify for Catalyst. Apply today. Featured Partners. Tech Wildcatters. TechWildcatters is a mentorship-driven microseed fund and startup accelerator. The 12-week accelerator API Reference - 2020-7-23 · SoftLayer Reference This is a collection of automatically generated documentation regarding the SoftLayer API. In effort to extend SoftLayers dedication to automation to our customers and partners, we have provided this set of APIs to interact with all of our products. GI Partners Invests in SoftLayer | News | GI Partners

IBM's SoftLayer Takes Flight: Should Partners Prepare For

Partners who join PartnerWorld, and existing IBM Business Partners who join the SoftLayer partner program will have access to campaign design and creation tools as well as customizable campaign templates to minimize upfront work and deliver consistent messaging.

SoftLayer operates a global cloud infrastructure platform built for Internet scale. Headquartered in Dallas and with an infrastructure spanning data centers in the United States, Asia and Europe, SoftLayer’s unified architecture provides unparalleled performance and control, with a full-featured API andsophisticated automation controlling a flexible platform that seamlessly integrates

SoftLayer® Technologies - IBM “SoftLayer” has the meaning set forth in the recitals. The parties’ relationship is that of independent contractors and not business partners. Neither of the parties is the agent for the other, and neither party has the right to bind the other on any agreement with a Third Party. 19.10 No Waiver.